Originally recorded in 1979 in the best studio known to man -- a basement -- this collection of gems shows us the Brains on the up and up, still bearing some of their Pistols influence, especially H.R's trilled sneering on "Redbone In The City," and playing at a slightly subdued tempo. Hearing slowed-down earlier versions of their debut album isn't a problem though, because their debut album was superinsanelyfilthyfuckingfantasticawesome, and these versions simply give you more time to appreciate that. (Understanding H.R.'s lyrics is an added benefit as well.) For me, this album shows exactly why the Brains are the greatest hardcore punk band ever, not because this collection is the greatest compendium of punk music, but precisely because it is not. If this was all the Brains ever released, or if they released a few just like this, they'd probably have a decent niche following today. But as we know from their debut -- a manic display of searing musical riffage interspersed with reggae, the pinnacle and standard of hardcore punk -- that is clearly not the case. Aside from that, any fan of the Brains probably already has this, but for those who'd like to hear what they sounded like before everyone tried to sound like them, this is an excellent listen. Like at least 50 times on my part, much to the chagrin of my wife. A-
superinsanelyfilthyfuckingfantasticawesome might be the best adjective I've heard to describe their debut album.
It's funny that you bring up your wife not liking the Bad Brains, because one of the oddest things is my fiancee actually does - this is the same person who thinks Ashley Simpson and Katie Perry are the greatest artists in music. She especially loves "Sailin' On." At least she can appreciate the greatest hardcore act ever.
at least my wife doesn't listen to that shit, hehe. she's like me, minus metal and punk. "sailin' on" through "attitude" is probably the most explosive way to start an album.
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